A-Toys - A look at a little-known brand with some very familiar figures. |
Airfix First Type Figure Sets - Links to our reviews of the early, first type Airfix figure sets. |
Bluebird Zero Hour - Details of the many figures sold in the ranges 'Bluebird Zero Hour' and 'Mattel Code Zero' |
Cereal Gladiators - A look at some plastic gladiators found in cereal packets in the 1960s. |
EKO - EKO marketed a number of figure sets, many being copies of others, but some were original. We take a look at this long-gone range here. |
Five and Dime Cowboys and Indians - An illustrated history of all those cheap plastic Cowboys and Indians that copied their bigger cousins in years gone by. |
GIANT & Co for Dummies - An overview and identification guide of GIANT figures. |
Lledo Days Gone - A look at the figures included in some Lledo vehicles. |
Lone Star - Lone Star made many large scale figures but also two OO scale battle sets. We take a closer look here. |
Matchbox; 63 Years of Figure Production - A look at the many figures made by Matchbox over their long history. |
Rospaks; The Lost Kingdom - A look at the short but interesting history of the Rospaks figure range. |
Trojan - Better known for their larger figures, we examine the few sets of 1/72 soldiers this company produced. |
Zee Toys - Zee Toys made a small range of figures based on the film MASH, which is discussed in this article. |
Glue - A look at the various types of glues available for plastic, and which ones work. |
Airfix Battlesets - A comprehensive guide to all the many battlesets Airfix have made over the years. |
Airfix Waterloo Accessories - A detailed look at the Airfix Waterloo Assault Set Accessories pack. |
Esci Battlesets - Full details of the many battlesets Esci made over the years. |
IMEX Battlesets - A complete list of battlesets produced by IMEX |
Italeri Battlesets - A list of the many battlesets produced by Italeri. |
Matchbox Rocket Attack Playkit - An old and short-lived playset from Matchbox with some fun elements. |
"Airfix's Little Soldiers" - A look at the guide to Airfix 1/72 figures by Jean-Christophe Carbonel |
"The One Inch Army II" - The new edition of the definitive guide to small-scale plastic figures. |
"The One Inch Army" - A review of the Victor Rudik collector's guide book. |
"Modellwelten " - A look at a DVD on various aspects of modelling. |
"Modellwelten II" - A look at a DVD devoted to painting 1/72 scale military figures. |
"Modellwelten III" - Volume 3 in the DVD series, with this one showing a building being constructed. |
"Modellwelten IV" - Volume 4 in the DVD series, showing figures being converted. |
"Modellwelten V" - Volume 5 in the DVD series, showing a figure being sculpted from scratch. |
Esci Missing in Action - A brief look at some figure sets Esci promised but never saw the light of day. |
Figure Comparison - This page compares figures from different complementary sets side-by-side to give an idea of which might work well together. |
HaT Accessories - A categorised list of all the extra weapons and small accessories to be found in HaT figure sets. |
Streltsi Bonus Figures - A look at the bonus Streltsi figures included in several sets from Strelets. |
Caesar Fantasy Figures - Not many humans to be seen in this range, and unless Lord of the Rings was a documentary then this is not historical, but some fun figures nonetheless. (Caution: Mild horror images) |
Caesar SF004 Modern Zombies - A look at a fantasy set that is closer to human than most. (Caution: Those of a sensitive nature may find this article upsetting.) |
Dark Alliance Rednecks - A look at some modern civilians that are nonetheless armed and ready for action. |
Dark Alliance Stalkers 1 and 2 - A full review of the two sets of Stalkers produced by Dark Alliance |
Dark Alliance Survivors - A review of this set of post-apocalyptic citizens battling zombies. |
Dark and Light Alliance - A brief summary of the many 1/72 sets available in this fantasy range |
Dark Dream Studio Space Battles Set 1 - A look at the Dark Dream Studio fantasy set 72001 - Space Battles Set 1 |
HALO: Micro Ops - An article on the small but interesting series of HALO Micro Ops from MxFaclane. |
Legion of Nightmare - A fantasy set of zombies from human military history (Caution: Mild horror images and text) |
Linear-A 021 - Amazons (Set 1) - A brief look at this fantasy set from Linear-A |
Annual Production - A dynamic analysis of the growth of new set production over the years. |
Figure Sizes and Scales - A guide to how tall 1/72 scale figures should be. |
Plastic Colours - A list of suggested plastic colours to be used for figures. |
"Age of Mythology" - This board game has some interesting figures which are worth a closer look. |
"Civilization" - A guide to the 1/72 scale plastic figures to be found in this board game from Eagle. |
"Napoleon in Europe" - Another Eagle game with many miniatures in our favourite scale, but are they of any use? |
"Shogun" - Some board games include very passable 1/72 scale figures. We look at one of the best. |
Reserve Troops From 35 Board Games - A look at the plastic figures to be found in 35 martial board games. |
Airfix Kit Figures - A review of all those figures found in various Airfix kits over the years. |
Atlantic Ancient Range - A detailed look at all the figures and accessories made by Atlantic for their 'Ancient' range. |
Bobkit / Heller 53014 "C160 Transall & Commandos" - A look at some 1980/90s French commando figures. |
Dragon LCM(3) Landing Craft - This model kit includes a good number of figures that are well worth considering by themselves. |
Hasegawa UH-60A Black Hawk - Hasegawa's popular kit comes with an array of figures of both crew and infantry. |
Italeri 8.8 cm FLaK 37 AA Gun - This gun kit includes eight crew figures, so we take a closer look. |
ModelCollect BMP3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle - A look at the good selection of modern Russian figures that come with this infantry fighting vehicle. |
Pegasus LCVP Landing Craft - We take a look at the 18 figures to be found with this model kit. |
Bachmann Scenecraft 'OO' Figures - A rundown of the 'OO' scale railway figures made by Bachmann. |
Merit/Model Scene Figures - A look at the various civilian and military figures made for railways by Merit and later Model Scene. |
Silver Corn - A look at the only set of 1/72 scale figures made by this Hong Kong company. |
Thierry la Fronde - An extremely rare set of figures based on the 1960's French TV series. |
WW2 Leaders - A set with no apparent manufacturer name and a curious selection of figures. |
PSR Painted Figures List - A list of all the reviews on this site with pictures of painted figures. |
Resin Archive - Pages devoted to a small selection of resin sets. |