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21 Oct 2024 ArticleIcon Three new releases
Three new figure sets have started to appear at retailers in the past few days. Two are from HaT, and are their new sets of Napoleonic Hungarian Infantry Marching (8334) and in Action (8335). Also new on the market is another set from Linear-A, this time their set 056 Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 1 Infantry.
26 Sep 2024 ArticleIcon More future projects from Linear-A
Linear-A have added another long list of new titles to their plans for future releases. In recent days a further eight such titles have appeared on their website, which are as follows:
  • 123 - Macedonian Phalanx
  • 124 - Palmyrene Empire (Set 1)
  • 125 - Genghis Khan (Set 1)
  • 126 - Mongol Storm (Set 2)
  • 127 - Mongol Storm (Set 3)
  • 128 - Jesus
  • 129 - Napoleonic French Young Guard 'Advancing'
  • 130 - Der Hexenhammer "Malleus Maleficarum"
20 Sep 2024 ArticleIcon New Ultima Ratio release
Ultima Ratio are releasing a new set. Their new title, 'Burgundian Foot Soldiers (Hundred Years War)', is expected to appear at retailers shortly, and of course our review will follow.
22 Aug 2024 ArticleIcon Two new Linear-A sets
There have been two new releases from the Linear-A stable in the past few days. The first, 066 'Roman Legion of Antonius in Egyptian Service', depicts the legions under Mark Antony during the wars with Octavian, and set 084, 'Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 5', contains infantry for the Assyrian Empire, and although it is set 5, it is the first of the range to be produced.
24 Jul 2024 ArticleIcon Two new HaT sets are on the way
After months of vague references and random images, HaT have finally released some detail on two new sets in development. The two new sets are:
  • 8334 - Napoleonic Hungarian Infantry (Marching)
  • 8335 - Napoleonic Hungarian Infantry (Action)
Both look to be very advanced, so we might hope for an early release, though as ever from HaT there is no definite information available, but retailers have started listing them as 'coming soon'.
3 Jul 2024 ArticleIcon Orion have new plans
Orion have announced some new sets are in preparation. They are:
  • 72067 - Japanese Tank Crew WW2
  • 72069 - Hungarian Tank Crew WW2
  • 72070 - US Infantry in Vietnam (Middle War)
72067 had previously been labelled as US infantry in Vietnam, so this may just be a renumbering, but the two tank crew are certainly new. Orion tend to release product soon after such announcements, so hopefully we will not have long to wait.
26 Jun 2024 ArticleIcon More defenders for Ukraine
Mars have announced a second set of modern Ukraine Defenders. As usual this will be a set of 40 figures in 8 poses, and since Mars tend to release swiftly after they announce a set, we are assuming that the release will be quite soon.
5 Jun 2024 ArticleIcon Two more future Linear-A titles
Linear-A have added a couple more to their list of future releases. The first is from Greek mythology, 'Jason and the Argonauts with Talos' (Talos was the giant bronze man), and their website states that the set is inspired by the 1963 film. The second new title is from the real world as it is set 3 in their series on the Legions of Gaius Julius Caesar.
1 Jun 2024 ArticleIcon New announcements and releases

This week has seen several new announcements and releases. HaT, long dormant, have lately been hinting at new sets for the American War of Independence, and details of the first two have emerged. These are both American Infantry sets, and both depict men in civilian or hunting garb. We look forward to seeing these, and more for this relatively poorly represented era.

New out this week is set 045 from Waterloo1815, 'Celtic Warriors'. However, as previously reported, this contains only sprues from older HaT Celt sets.

Finally, Strelets have said they have started distribution of four new sets as well as some reissues. The new sets are two for the War of the Spanish Succession, one Napoleonic and one for World War II.

27 May 2024 ArticleIcon Another Linear-A release
Linear-A have released another set, and this time it is for their Roman range. The set is 092 'Roman Artillery Set 2 (Onager)', and contains two machines, each with a crew of four.
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