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Dark & Light Alliance Goblin Warriors (Set 2)


Universe Traditional
Contents 48 figures
Poses 12
Height 19.5 mm

The first set of Goblins in this range gave us a number of 'light' goblins - armed with bows and other missile weapons, but in this second set we find those wishing to come into direct contact with their enemies, for they carry swords and other blades, or else hammers and maces. As is usual with fantasy subjects, the weapons have a strong medieval feel to them, although the design of some are certainly little to do with real medieval warfare. If such weapons might suggest the label of 'heavy' for these goblins, then their attire contradicts that, for they are mostly dressed in just the minimum of a loincloth and are without armour. However a couple seem to wear mail, while one looks to have some sort of scale armour hauberk and there are a couple of helmets too. The last figure has mail and a helmet, and also some sort of plate on his upper arms, which, along with the unidentified items he holds, made us wonder if this was someone in charge, especially as he does not seem to be in combat himself. All the rest of the poses do, however, look very much as if they are in immediate battle, mostly with weapons raised as if ready to strike.

These sculpts have quite a lot of flash on them, but the quality of the figures themselves is pretty good, with nice detail such as the ugly faces and the long ears. As with the first set, most stand 19 or 20 mm tall, so are little smaller than a human at this scale, although most modern depictions tend to show them considerably shorter than this. Originally goblins were a form of fairy, but these look nothing like that, and with their hunched shoulders and stooping gait they look every bit as evil as they are probably supposed to be. The nice combative poses make this a pleasingly active set, and although the plastic colour does not show off the detail to best advantage, and much time would be necessary to remove the flash, the result would be a suitably mean-looking set of warriors.

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