This element of the Zvezda 'Hot War' range depicts the NSV 12.7mm machine gun, a standard heavy machine gun in use by the Soviet Army from the early 1970s and still in use during the late 1980s/early 1990s, when this set is supposed to be based. The weapon itself is very nicely detailed, entirely accurate, and is mounted on the usual 6U6 mounting for the infantry support role. The gunner, like all these figures, wears standard Soviet battledress and 6B5 body armour, so again perfectly suitable for the period. The machine-gunner's comrades each carry what looks like the AK-74 assault rifle, but the man firing has a grenade launcher attached to his, and naturally carries a number of grenades.
The figures are exactly what we might expect from Zvezda; very well produced with lots of great detail and perfect sculpting. All have some element of assembly, but as usual we found the parts fitted together very well without need for gluing. This multi-part approach allows for some very natural poses, which we liked very much, and no excess plastic (nor flash). The figures come with separate bases as shown above, and also with a single base for grouping together (as seen here). This makes sense when seen as a game piece, but not when used as a general model, but we were pleased to have the choice.
The NSV, nicknamed the 'Utes', was widely used in the early nineties and is a necessary part of this range. This very appealing model does it full justice.