This small set is part of the Zvezda Art of Tactic game system. It consists of five figures as shown above, who are individually based but can also be grouped together as a unit using a supplied large base (see sprue). This sprue also supplies a number of other elements pertinent to the game, but we are just interested in the figures. They are all dressed alike, in armour and clothing typical of the ashigaru at around the end of the 16th century, apart from one kneeling figure who does not have his jingasa hat. Everything here is authentic, and the detail is really well done and beautifully sculpted. All bar the first figure have separate arms to improve the pose, but in a change from virtually all previous Zvezda sets the fit of these is not so tight or precise. The instructions seem to acknowledge this by suggesting that the parts are glued, and we found that was a wise decision. The poses themselves are fine, and all the figures have the usual sashimono device on the back, which has been provided in both red and yellow plastic. As a game piece this is great, and as individual figures they are great too, although the thick bases with holes for markers are less than ideal (which also makes their excessive height appear even worse), and of course just five figures won’t go very far.