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Set EVF036

Dacian Cavalry

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All figures are supplied unpainted    (Numbers of each pose in brackets)
Date Released 2006
Contents 5 figures and 5 horses
Poses 2 poses, up to 5 horse poses
Material Plastic (Medium Consistency)
Colours Red
Average Height 25 mm (= 1.8 m)


As with many sets from LW/Evolution, this one bears no date, so we have to speculate as to the intended period. For most the name Dacia brings to mind the campaigns waged against it by Rome during the late first century and early second centuries, at the end of which it became part of the Empire.

If we are indeed speaking of the wars with Rome, then it is thought that much of the cavalry Dacia had were light, armed with just javelins and swords. The measly two poses in this set are so armed - both are using a sword but one also carries a javelin behind his shield. The second figure is strange, as he has a two-handed sword, the handle of which takes up almost half the total length, leaving a short blade - very short for a cavalryman!

The two bearded warriors wear tunics and trousers, which is fine, and one also wears a mail coat, which is unlikely both for the people and the supposed role of the cavalry. If you consider him as post conquest, then of course he could have obtained it by serving in the army of the Empire. This man also wears a cap, which some think may have been a sign of prestige or authority, although we cannot know for sure today.

The horses are a very mixed bunch. Three carry varying amounts of armour, which again is entirely inconsistent with the supposed role as light cavalry. A fourth seems to have two sword scabbards and boasts a human head as decoration on the saddle. Almost nothing is known about Dacian horses so we can make no other comments about accuracy except that they seem very unlikely.

Sculpting is not too bad in detail, but in places there are quite substantial amounts of flash to contend with. The horses are quite thin, so the men are a very loose fit and will require gluing to stay in place.

Despite our lack of certain knowledge about Dacian cavalry there seems plenty to suspect in this set. Light cavalry would not have armoured men, nor heavily armoured horses such as these, although it is impossible now to say that no Dacian ever appeared like this. With only two poses you don't have much to play with here, so perhaps it is as well that Dacian cavalry played a small part in the wars with Rome.

Note: It has become apparent that Evolution/LW are fairly relaxed about exactly what they put in each of their bags. Consequently some may have differing amounts of each of the poses, and may have duplicate horses while some shown above are missing.


Historical Accuracy 5
Pose Quality 4
Pose Number 2
Sculpting 5
Mould 6

Further Reading
"Ancient Celts" - Concord - Tim Newark & Angus McBride - 9789623616232
"Rome's Enemies: Germanics and Dacians" - Osprey (Men-at-Arms Series No.129) - Peter Wilcox - 9780850454734
"The Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome" - Wargames Research Group - Phil Barker - 9780904417173
"The Dacians and Getae at War" - Osprey (Men-at-Arms Series No.549) - Andrei Pogacias - 9781472854537
"Trajano" - Almena (Guerreros Y Batallas) - José Ignacio Lago - 9788496170803
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