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Republican Rome
Republican Rome
Rome - Infantry
Rome - Cavalry
Rome - Slave Revolts
Rome - Other
Italy (non-Roman)
Rome - Infantry
Atlantic Roman Legion
Caesar Republican Roman Army
HaT Republican Romans Princeps & Triari
HaT Republican Romans Hastati & Velites
HaT Roman Catapults
HaT Roman Command
Italeri Roman Infantry
Odemars Roman Republic Infantry
Revell Praetorians
Strelets Roman Velites
Strelets Republican Roman Legion Ranks
Strelets Republican Roman Legion (Ceremonial March)
Strelets Roman Republican Legion on the March
Strelets Roman Republican Legion Before Battle
Strelets Roman Republican Legion in Battle
Strelets Caesar Army on the March
Strelets Caesar Army Before Battle
Strelets Caesar Army in Battle I
Strelets Caesar Army in Defence
Zvezda Roman Infantry
Zvezda Republican Roman Infantry
Linear-A Legions of Gaius Julius Caesar (Set 1)
Linear-A Legions of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Set 1)
Linear-A Legions of Gaius Julius Caesar (Set 2)
Linear-A Roman Legion of Antonius in Egyptian Service
Linear-A Legions of Marcus Licinius Crassus (Set 1)
Linear-A First Punic War Republican Roman Infantry (Set 1)
Linear-A The Battle of Carrhae "First Triumvirate"
Linear-A Sacramentum militare / decimatio
Ultima Ratio Roman Republic Army: Hastati
Linear-A Republican Roman Incendiary Swine
Rome - Cavalry
Atlantic Roman Cavalry
HaT Roman Cavalry
Italeri Roman Cavalry
Zvezda Republican Roman Cavalry
Rome - Slave Revolts
Strelets Spartacus Army
Strelets Spartacus Army Before Battle
Linear-B Spartacus Uprising Defeat
Linear-B Spartacus Uprising
Rome - Other
HaT Roman Catapults
Linear-A Roman Anti-Elephant Wagon (Set 1)
Strelets Roman Senate 1
Strelets Roman Senate 2
Odemars Carpentum
Linear-A Hannibal vs Scipio
Linear-A Roman Artillery (Set 1) Ballista
Linear-A Julius Caesar with General Staff
Linear-A Gangs/Revolt in Rome
Italy (non-Roman)
HaT Italian Allies
HaT Italian Ally Cavalry
Linear-A Samnite Wars Set 1
Linear-A Samnite Wars (2) Italian Ally Cavalry
Linear-A Tarentine Horsemen of Magna Graecia
Odemars Oscan Infantry
Linear-A Italian Hill Tribes
Linear-A Carthaginian Italian Allied Troops
Evolution Carthaginian Mercenaries
HaT Hannibal's Carthaginians - African Infantry
HaT Carthaginian Veterans
HaT Carthaginian Allies
HaT Carthaginian Command and Cavalry
HaT War Elephants
HYTTY Carthaginian Mercenaries
LW Carthaginian Mercenaries
LW Carthaginian Artillery and Infantry (Part 1)
Linear-A First Punic War Carthaginian Infantry (Set 1)
Linear-A First Punic War Carthaginian Naval Infantry
Linear-A Carthaginian Citizen Infantry
Linear-A Carthaginian Sacred Band
Linear-A Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 1
Linear-A Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 2
Linear-A Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 3 (Elephants)
Linear-A Hannibal Makes a Triumphal Entry in Italy
Linear-A Carthaginian General Staff
Linear-A Hannibal vs Scipio
Ultima Ratio Carthaginian Army: Hannibal's Veterans
Ultima Ratio Carthaginian Army: Libyan Infantry
Zvezda Carthaginian Infantry
Linear-A Carthaginian Infantry Set 1
HaT Numidian Cavalry
Zvezda Carthaginian Numidian Cavalry
Airfix Ancient Britons
Caesar Celt Warriors
Evolution Celtic Warriors
HaT Gallic Warband
HaT Celtic Cavalry
HaT Celtic Chariot
HaT Gallic Chariot with Warrior Queen
HaT Gallic Command
HaT Ancient Britons
HaT Carthaginian Allies
Italeri Gaul Warriors
Italeri Celtic Cavalry
Linear-A Hannibal Crosses the Alps Set 5
LW Celtic Warriors
Revell Celts (Gauls)
Zvezda Gauls
HaT Hannibal's Carthaginians - Spanish Infantry
HaT Carthaginian Allies
HaT Spanish Cavalry
Odemars Iberian Infantry
Orion Iberian Infantry
Ultima Ratio Carthaginian Army: Iberian Infantry Part 1
Ultima Ratio Carthaginian Army: Iberian Infantry Part 2
Linear-A Carthaginian Allied Troops
Evolution Parthian Cataphracts with M Crassus
Evolution Parthian Cataphracts with Roman Prisoners
HaT Parthian Heavy Cavalry
HaT Parthian Light Cavalry
LW Parthian Cataphracts 1
LW Parthian Cataphracts 2
Orion Parthian Heavy Cavalry
Zvezda Cataphracts
Linear-A The Army of Pyrrhus of Epirus (Set 1)
Linear-A The Army of Pyrrhus of Epirus (Set 2)
Linear-A King Pyrrhus of Epirus
Linear-A The Folk of Judea
Linear-B Mithridatic Heavy Infantry
Linear-A German Warriors Set 1
Linear-A Germanic Warriors Set 2 (Command)
Linear-A Cleopatra VII
Linear-A Cilician Pirates
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