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Set 109


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All figures are supplied unpainted    (Numbers of each pose in brackets)
Date Released 1973
Contents Varying number of pieces
Poses 3 poses
Material Plastic (Medium Consistency)
Colours Blue
Average Height 21 mm (= 1.51 m)


Along with their many sets of modern figures Atlantic seem to have been keen to provide many accessories to enhance the play value. For the navy they could hardly provide a full model of a warship, so instead they chose the models shown here.

To begin with there are three human poses. All are also part of the Seamen set, but these are the ones that specifically interact with the equipment in this set. The first man is supposed to be seated on the gun, but his arms are just thrown casually in the air and they are nowhere near to actually holding this weapon. The second man is the pilot for the small boat, while the third, in ceremonial uniform, is there to stand in the back of the boat. The pilot does not have his hands on the wheel, and the man saluting must have very good sea legs, or else the boat must be virtually stopped. The sculpting on these is not great, with them looking quite thin, even bearing in mind their actual HO (1:87) scale. Certainly no great effort seems to have been made to make them match their equipment, and the presence of a fair amount of flash and those annoying mould marks in the back count against them as well.

The boat is 43mm (just over 3 metres) stem to stern, and as well as the pilot it can accommodate a couple of figures in the back. On either side it has what look like torpedoes, although their primary function is probably to ensure the model stands up on a table. It has two large outboard motors at the back, which have been quite nicely done with separate propellers.

The gun is also something that can be found elsewhere - in the Heavy Artillery set. To repeat our comments in that review, this seems to be an anti-aircraft weapon as it tilts almost vertically, but it does not look much like any weapon we have ever seen, although we don't claim any expertise in that area.

Both models are nicely designed and assemble without any difficulties. The instructions are quite vague but the models are simple enough to be fairly intuitive. Whether they are of much use to modellers today is debateable. Of course they were only ever intended as toys, and doubtless they served in that capacity well enough when they were available. These days this set is very rare, and while collectors will want one to complete the collection there is little apparent reason why anyone else would want to own a copy.


Historical Accuracy 5
Pose Quality 2
Pose Number 6
Sculpting 5
Mould 4

See Also
Atlantic Seamen

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