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20 Sep 2024 ArticleIcon Today we take a look at the second set of Ukrainian Defenders from Mars.
10 Sep 2024 ArticleIcon Another set now for the Vietnam War as we take a long look at the Orion set of US Infantry in Vietnam.
3 Sep 2024 ArticleIcon Our latest review is of the Orion set of Japanese Tank Crew WW2.
31 Aug 2024 ArticleIcon Another of the recent Orion releases has just been fully reviewed, their USMC in Vietnam (Early War).
22 Aug 2024 ArticleIcon There are a couple of recent releases over on the News page.
13 Aug 2024 ArticleIcon It has been over a week since we last reviewed a World War II set, so high time for a new one, and today it is the Orion set of WWII Hungarian Tank Crew.
11 Aug 2024 ArticleIcon Today we turn our attention to the ancient world, and take a look at the Linear-A set of Roman Onager.
8 Aug 2024 ArticleIcon The latest additions to the site are reviews of the two Strelets sets of Imperial infantry for the early 18th century, Austrian Infantry 1701-1714 on the March and Austrian Infantry 1701-1714 in Attack.
2 Aug 2024 ArticleIcon The recent Strelets release of Early WWII US Infantry in Combat has received the usual full review treatment.
24 Jul 2024 ArticleIcon At last, some concrete news from long-dormant manufacturer HaT over on the News page.
21 Jul 2024 ArticleIcon Our new review of the recent Strelets set of Napoleonic Bavarian Infantry in Square has been posted.
15 Jul 2024 ArticleIcon The last of the recent RedBox sets of Byzantine cavalry have been added to the site, being Byzantine Cataphracts Set 1 and Byzantine Cataphracts Set 2.
9 Jul 2024 ArticleIcon The next two sets of Byzantine cavalry from Redbox have been reviewed, namely their Byzantine Clibanarii Set 1 and Byzantine Clibanarii Set 2.
3 Jul 2024 ArticleIcon Today it is the turn of Orion to announce some new sets on the News page.
26 Jun 2024 ArticleIcon Mars have a new set announcement over on the News page.

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